Upgrading your iPad should be seamless, typically requiring just one tap. Sometimes this doesn’t run as smoothly as it should. If you’re among the victims of those frustrating iPadOS update glitches, problems such as installation failure and endless loading screens can make you want to throw your iPad out of...
Read More...How to Fix iPadOS Update ErrorsManaging your money is one of the most important disciplines to learn, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. While it may not be a real-life personal accountant, with the right no-how, the iPad is the next best thing. In this digital age, finance has never been more convenient, and...
Read More...Financial Management Made Simple on Your iPadUsing your iPad for personal organization is practically a cheat code. With iOS 18 for iPad on the horizon, we’ve gone through the 10 best ways to utilize your tablet so you can conquer anything from cooking, arranging your schedule, broadening your mind, and simply cutting time by using your...
Read More...10 Ways Your iPad Can Help You Become More OrganizedIn a world where our daily lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, our devices have become more than just tools; they're integral parts of our personal and professional existence. Among these devices, the iPad is a universal companion, acting as a gateway to productivity, entertainment, and connectivity. But hold onto...
Read More...How NOT to Break Your New iPadUpdated on March 2024 In our continuing series of Apple Pencil worship sessions (because, let's face it, this thing is basically magic), we've been diving headfirst into this awesome iPad accessory. The Apple Pencil is like the fairy godmother to your iPad, turning it from a consumption machine into a...
Read More...When to Replace the Nib (Or Tip) of Your Apple PencilIn this grand digital era, our gadgets have transcended their mundane roles to become quirky sidekicks in our daily adventures. Take the iPad, for instance — it's no longer just a slab of technology; it's a trusty, digital Swiss army knife for the modern soul. Millions across the globe cling...
Read More...The 10 Most Common Causes of iPad DamageYour Versatile iPad Pro 12.9 Case There are hundreds of different iPad Pro 12.9 case options out there, and they aren’t all made the same way. Apple’s smart folio has been used as a model by many cheaper case manufacturers, and it’s a good design, but there’s just one flaw:...
Read More...How to Use the Multi-Angle Stand on Your iPad Pro 12.9 CaseAn iPad mini: a photographer’s best friend An 8.3 liquid retina display— small enough to fit in your photography bag or coat pocket; large enough to show the fine detail on your most recent shots. 2266 by 1488 resolution at 326 pixels per inch, and 500 nits brightness, with true...
Read More...Photographer’s guide to an iPad mini caseApple’s highly popular iPad has to be one of the best gadgets on the market. The fact that it is a tablet and not a laptop means it comes without a keyboard. However, using a keyboard makes the experience more comfortable. And it might even become a necessity, especially if...
Read More...How to Use Your iPad Air 10.9 Case With a KeyboardAn iPad Pro 11 inch case is typically the first accessory you buy for a new 11 inch iPad. There’s a reason for this. iPads are masterpieces of engineering, with capability undreamed of a few decades ago neatly placed between a thin layer of aluminum and another thin layer of...
Read More...How an iPad Pro 11 inch case can extend your iPad’s lifespanNow that you have your new shiny iPad, what will you do with your old one? Instead of gathering dust in a drawer or a box, see if you can find use from the list below: 1. Security Camera The iPad Pro can be a fantastic security camera, especially if...
Read More...9 Uses for an Old iPad ProiPads are no longer just for school and play. Apple’s iPad Pro line has earned its place in the business world as a worthy addition to anyone’s work arsenal, and though an iPad might not be a full replacement for your business laptop, it’s a great tool to keep around....
Read More...How to Use an iPad Pro 12.9 for Business