How to Use the Stand on Your iPad Pro 12.9 Case – ZUGU

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How to Use the Multi-Angle Stand on Your iPad Pro 12.9 Case

Your Versatile iPad Pro 12.9 Case

There are hundreds of different iPad Pro 12.9 case options out there, and they aren’t all made the same way. Apple’s smart folio has been used as a model by many cheaper case manufacturers, and it’s a good design, but there’s just one flaw: you only have two possible viewing angles for using the iPad in landscape mode (besides flat).  For many of  us, that isn’t enough. 

If you’ve got a case with seven or maybe even ten viewing angles you’re likely to have a Zugu. Zugu cases are loved throughout the world for their great build, durability and protective qualities, but it turns out that many purchases also select them for the multi-angle stand. When it comes to angles at which to use your iPad, the more the better. 

But how do these stands work? It turns out they are incredibly intuitive; even easier to use than the tri fold of the smart folio. Here’s how you do it. 

How to Use the Multi-Angle Stand on your Zugu iPad Pro 12.9 Case

Despite the title, this isn't specific to the Zugu iPad Pro 12.9 case; the multi-angle stand is exactly the same in the Zugu iPad Pro 11 inch case. The iPad mini case might only have seven angles (you can only fit so many grooves on that real estate), but it looks the same and functions in the same way. 

The base of your stand is the magnetic flap that covers the iPad face when you’re not using your device. When you want to use it, flip this back to make a base. Then all you have to do is pull out the kickstand on the back of the iPad, insert it into the appropriate grove on the base, and enjoy your custom stand. 

Want the iPad more upright? Choose a grove close to the inner edge of the base. Want the iPad closer to flat? Choose a grove near the outer edge. It’s not rocket science. 

If you want to use your iPad in portrait mode, simply flip it to the appropriate direction and use the base and kickstand (in any grove) to keep it there. You don’t have the same range of angles when you’re going horizontal, unfortunately, but there is a way to get a small incline. Instead of locking the kickstand into any of the groves, leave the base loose and incline your iPad down. You should be able to get a 15-20 degree incline.

Adding more portrait angles in would be cool, but  a case that incorporated that feature might end up losing much of the simplicity which is so important for an accessory like an iPad case. 

Ideal Angles for Your Favorite Tasks

As you experiment with your iPad and the Zugu iPad case, you’ll come up with an internal list of preferred angles for each of your favorite tasks. But if you’d like to know where to begin, here’s a place to start:

  • The outermost grove is great for when you’re typing on your iPad and want it almost flat (but still tilted up).
  • The innermost grove is great for video calls and ensures your conversation partner can still get a good view of your face. 
  • For watching videos while seated on a couch, the second or third notch (counting from the inside) is a good place to start. This does depend on both iPad height and viewer position, though!

More iPad Pro 12.9 Case Features and How to Use Them

What else should you know about your Zugu case for the iPad Pro 12.9 (or iPad Pro 11, if that’s your model)? 

You’ll probably figure most things out on your own if you give yourself five minutes to explore the cover. Stick the pencil in the holder on the back if you want a super secure place and don’t need to charge it, and stick it in the groove on the side if it needs a little juice or you just want it right there to hand. 

Using your iPad in the kitchen? Stick the iPad up on the refrigerator to take advantage of the handy magnetic mount. No extra steps whatsoever here; and there’s no place safer than your refrigerator when the counter gets messy with your newest cooking project.

How to Use Your iPad Pro 11 inch Case

If you switch iPads and get a new Zugu case for your new device, you’ll be pleased to find that not only is the multi-angle stand identical in design but so are almost all the other features. There’s the same pencil slot, the same pencil charging groove, and the same magnetic capabilities. 

One other feature of the whole range of Zugu cases is auto sleep-wake. This might seem like a useless feature— till you try out a case without it and realize how annoying it is to waste three seconds and an extra gesture every time you open and close your device. A Zugu case uses magnets to send a ‘wake up’ signal to the iPad as soon as you open the flap, and if you close the flap, it’ll put the iPad in sleep mode to save your battery. 

It’s all powered by magnets— the same magnets that made your multi-angle stand so secure in every single one of its angles. No flimsy slipping and sliding here: your iPad Pro 12.9 case will stay just the way you put it. 

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