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How to get the most out of your iPad.

Lifestyle Tips
The Best Uses of iPad for Parents

The Best Uses of iPad for Parents

Parents are busy people. Between working, running the kids to practice, cooking, and doing laundry there is not a lot of spare time. Enter the iPad, an amazing, portable electronic device that has been helping parents for well over a decade now. Zugu Case makes the best iPad covers for...

Read More...The Best Uses of iPad for Parents
Tutorials & How-Tos
Five Tips For Protecting Your iPad

Five Tips For Protecting Your iPad

The iPad is an impressive machine. It runs on the iOS platform and is designed and engineered to be remarkably durable. iPad can be used at home, for business, for education, and much more. As pioneers of innovative iPad Pro 12.9 case we have spent some time thinking about how to...

Read More...Five Tips For Protecting Your iPad