Introducing the Screen Microfiber Cleaner Ball & Stylus – ZUGU

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Keep Your iPad Screen Clean with the Screen Microfiber Cleaner Ball & Stylus

Tired of wiping your iPad screens with regular microfiber cloth that takes most of your time just to get it clean and done? Are you the type of person who would always like your iPad screen maintained and always looking brand new with no fingerprints or stains? Then Zugu Case has the the right equipment for your iPad to help you with this kind of problem.

The Screen Microfiber Cleaner Ball and Stylus by Prodigee helps your iPad screen become cleaner in a much easier way. Its unique design makes it easier to wipe smudges from finger prints or any stains because it has an internal foam which puts focused pressure on areas that need to be cleaned.

Aside from keeping your screen spotless, the Microfiber Cleaner Ball also comes with a stylus band that is removable. This is useful in keeping and maintaining your microfiber cleaner ball making it look as good as new. This small stylus band has two colors to choose from: black and red. Now even your cleaning accessory for your iPad 10.2 Case has style as well!

With ease of usage and effective cleaning, you can get this Screen Microfiber Cleaner Ball and Stylus for just $9.99. You can actually save $9.96 from it’s recommended retail price of $19.95. Don’t let this cleaning equipment go out of your hand and purchase one to get rid of your iPad screen problems!

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