Is The iPad Pro 12.9 A Good Gaming Platform? – ZUGU

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Is The IPad Pro 12.9 A Good Gaming Platform, Or Is It Too Big?

There’s no better way to do gaming on the go then with an iPad. It’s easy to slip an iPad Pro 12.9 into your backpack, safely ensconced in its apple iPad Pro 12.9 case, and it’ll be at the ready whenever you’ve got a few minutes to play. An hour to wait before your appointment? No problem. A two hour commute in the back seat? Bring it on!

But you’ve got options. Is the ideal gaming tablet a 12.9 iPad with its iPad Pro 12.9 leather case, or would you be better off with a smaller iPad? There’s an 11 inch iPad Pro, an iPad Air (10.9 inch on the diagonal) and the regular iPad which comes with a 10.2 inch screen . You’ve also got the iPad mini as another option, if you want to go really small. That weighs only 308 grams (312 for a cell-capable model) , and is 8.3 inch across.

If you already have your iPad, enjoy what you’ve got. But if you’re shopping for a mobile gaming platform, think it through before you buy. For some, the iPad Pro 12.9 is just too big for a casual gaming platform. For others, it’s perfect, and the extra screen real estate provides a better experience than you could find anywhere else.

Which category will you fall into, and what is your ideal size for a gaming platform? Think about how you intend to use your tablet. If you want to lounge out on the couch or a recliner, holding your tablet above your head, the 12.9 is awkwardly big. You’d do better with the 11 inch iPad, which fits nicely within your hands. It’s also easier for your thumbs to reach in and control when you’ve got a smaller canvas.

You can go even smaller, but you’ll have significantly less processing power if you do. That’s why if you’re into serious gaming and have the budget for  it, we’re going to recommend you stick with the iPad Pro. Anyone who has lost because their game stuttered and stalled knows what we mean. You’re not going to see any of that if you use an iPad Pro.  That powerful processor can handle even the most complex, memory-hungry games, and the ProMotion display is pretty sweet. But for many gamers, the 11 inch iPad Pro is going to be a better deal. 

It weighs just 1 pound, versus the 1.5 pound of the 12.9. That might not seem like a big difference, but when you’re holding this thing for hours that extra weight begins to tell on you. 

This is especially the case when you are playing a game where the iPad needs to be moved, like Infinity Flight or Asphalt. You can do it with an 12.9 inch tablet, you just might not want to. 

Related Reading: Is the iPad Pro 12.9 Too Large for Everyday Use?

When does the iPad Pro 12.9 become ideal? If you intend to do your gaming at a table, the bigger iPad makes a lot more sense. You’ll want to have a stand or an iPad Pro 12.9 case with a built-in-mount that gives you your ideal playing angle, but that’s not hard to find. For some games, having everything spread out more can help you navigate or relax your hands as you play.

 If you’re into puzzle games, the iPad 12.9 means you get to make more precise moves. That extra few inches makes more of a difference than you might expect, and when you go back to a smaller form factor you’re likely to feel cramped. Card games and strategy games are well suited to playing on the bigger iPad, and  If your games involve swiping, sliding, and moving objects around, you may also appreciate the extra space. That said, there’s a toss up: sometimes you need to swipe fast, and with everything spread out on an extra-large screen, you really need to swipe extra fast. Impressive playing on an 11 inch is suddenly less impressive with the 12.9. 

Related Reading: Is iPad Mini 5 Good for PUBG? You Questions Answered

Thinking through your habits, the games you play and the situations in which you like to do your gaming may be enough to help you choose between an iPad Pro 12.9 inch and the 11 inch version. But if you still aren’t sure, go visit an Apple Store. Pick up both devices, and hold them in your hand. See if you can trial a game or two, or if you can’t, at least try out all the motions that you use for your favorite games. 

Which iPad fits you better? Does the bigger iPad feel too heavy in your hand, or do you appreciate that extra heft? Is gaming at a table a feasible option for you? Does the 11 inch tablet feel better to you, and is that ease-of-carry worth the loss in real estate?  If the larger iPad feels awkward in your hand when you’re in the Apple store, its not likely to be ideal when you get home. But if you’ve got the extra cash and  don’t mind the extra half pound, go for it! There’s something different about gaming on the big screen. 

Whichever iPad you end up buying, make sure you get yourself a versatile iPad case to go with it. Something like the Zugu Case, with multiple viewing angles, is ideal for a larger iPad that you’ll want to use on the table. The Zugu mock leather iPad Pro 12.9 case has 10 different angles, so you’re sure to find one that works for you. There’s also the possibility of sticking it up against any metal surface with super-strong magnets.

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